Sunday, May 24, 2015

Bible Atrocities 2.1 - Doesn't the Bible Condone Slavery?!

We return in this episode to the series we had started on the so called Bible Atrocities and will start to address the question, "Doesn't the Bible condone slavery?!" Answering this question may take 3 to 4 episodes as we explore the cultural and historical contexts of Ancient Israel, examine some of the casuistic (case) laws in the Pentateuch, investigate how the New Testament addresses the issue of slavery and servitude in light of the person and work of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel and then wrap up considering the role that Bible played in the New World African slave trade.

You can download the episode iTunes or listen to it on the Stitcher app.

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

A response to Greta Christina on what would change her beliefs

In this episode we respond to an article by Atheistic Fundamentalist blogger Greta Christina on just what would make her lose her belief in atheism and acquire a belief in God. It appears that I may be a better skeptic and naturalist than she is!

You can subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.

Greta Christina's article can be found here:

Enjoy the show!