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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Literary Framework Model

In this episode I present the final installment of my series on Genesis 1 and what I think is the best handling of the text - the Polemical Literary Framework. This is part 5 of the series so I recommend listening back to the previous episodes before jumping into this one. 

Enjoy the show! 

The Mentionables Conference 2018 registration:

John Walton
  • “Reading Genesis Through Ancient Eyes” -
  • Genesis 1 as Ancient Cosmology (Eisenbrauns: 2011)
  • The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate (IVP, 2009)
  • Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament (Baker: 2006)
  • Ancient Israelite Literature in Its Cultural Context: A Survey of parallels between biblical and ancient Near Eastern texts (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1989)“Creation in Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 and the Ancient Near East: Order out of Disorder after Chaoskampf,” Calvin Theological Journal 43 (2008): 48-63.
  • “Interpreting the Bible as an Ancient Near Eastern Document” in Israel-Ancient Kingdom or Late Invention? Archaeology, Ancient Civilizations, and the Bible, ed. D. Block (Nashville: Broadman/Holman, 2008) 298-327.
 Futato, Mark
 Irons, Lee
Kline, Meredith
 Miller and Soden
  • In the Beginning… We Misunderstand. (Kregel: 2012)
Currid, John
 Niehaus, Jeffrey
  • Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology (Kregel: 2008)


  1. A rebuttal of what is essentially Meredith Kline's view which he stole from a previous author without attribution.

  2. Cannot figure out how to see any part other than the final part of Genesis 1.
