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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Responding to William Lane Craig on Molinism and Reformed Theology - Part 1

In this episode, I present part 1 of a 2 part series responding to the doctrine known as Molinism, most famously defended by Christian philosopher William Lane Craig. Part 1 will be a direct response to a Q&A done by Craig on his website which you can find here: In this Q&A response, Craig presents what he thinks the problems are with Reformed Theology as part of the reason that he accepts Molinism. I take him to task for much of what he says here.

Part 2 will be a more broad engagement with the view and why I think that Molinism is a heterodox doctrine which potentially leads to heretical views such as Semi-Pelagianism and Open Theism. Part 2 will attempt to expose many of its Biblical, theological, and philosophical shortcomings. I will be joined by Owen Paun for that discussion. 

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  1. Deuteronomy 29:29 (HCSB)
    29 The hidden things belong to the LORD our God, but the revealed things belong to us and our children forever, so that we may follow all the words of this law.
    The context is not about what is hidden but about what is revealed - that God punishes those who break His covenant - nothing there to about the false tension between God's sovereignty and man's resposibility. There is only tension because of the false definition of Gods sovereignty by Calvinists.

  2. The question in Romans 9 is not about predestination. It is about God hardening Israel. As Leighton Flowers writes:
    (1) The lump of hardened clay represents Israel who is had grown calloused in rebellion (Acts 28:27) and who are now being re-molded into two kinds of vessels:

    (a) Those unfaithful Israelites remolded, by means of signs from the incarnate Messiah Himself, to bring the Word.

    (b) Those unfaithful Israelites remolded, by means of judicially hardening, to accomplish the ignoble purpose of bringing redemption on the cross and the grafting in of the Gentiles (yet they still may be saved, Rom. 11:11-32).
