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Friday, May 1, 2020

If Christians Used the Rhetoric of Lacktheism

Christian: Gosh, I never realised that not believing in evolution had to be so complicated. If you are interested in why I take that position, you've only to ask.

Evolutionist: So then you believe evolution is false?

Christian: Not believing in evolution is my position.Now, would you like to have a discussion as to why I take that position where you are more than welcome to challenge anything you think is wrong?

Evolutionist: Ok but what is your position? I’m asking what you do believe. So if I ask you, “Is evolution true” and you answer with “I don’t believe in evolution” do you mean that you lack a belief that evolution is true or that you believe that evolution is false?

Christian: Ah, you must be using a different meaning than me of “position.” No probs. Position seems to be a good term to use, I think. If you don't, that's cool. I believe lot's of things and I don't believe many things. Did you have anything specific in mind? If you ask me if evolution is true, my answer will be that I don't know. Unlike most evolutionists here, I usually try to answer the question I am asked rather than a different question.

Evolutionist: so then your agnostic about it?

Christian: Yes, as far a knowledge claims about evolution are concerned. I thought you wanted to know about my beliefs though.

Evolutionist: What do you mean by knowledge? Do you mean that you don’t have warrant for your beliefs that are true? Or do you mean that you don’t have the psychological condition of being certain? Notice I asked what you BELIEVE. And you said “I don’t know”. If you take the rather strange view that knowledge ISNT a kind of belief but refers to a psychological condition of being certain, then how does that answer my question about your beliefs anyway? Because at this point you’re demonstrating exactly why I spend so much time clarifying these terms. I cannot even get to WHY you believe what you believe because you won’t even admit that you have a belief and then state what it is that you believe.

Christian: No you didn't. You asked does evolution is true. You did not ask me whether I believe that evolution is true.

Evolutionist: In what other context does asking a question if something is true entail me asking for only if you are psychologically certain of your belief? Just be honest and answer the question. Don’t do the whole “belief that isn’t a belief but is a belief when it’s not knowledge even though you know that you know it but you don’t know it because you aren’t certain.” So again, is evolution true?

Christian: And therein lies your problem. You spend so much time clarifying these terms inside your own head, you neglect to hear or listen to what the person in from of you is saying. You asked me a question which I answered i.e. “Is evolution true?” – I don’t know. The problem is you were expecting the answer in your own terms and as a result, it became confused such that you thought you asked whether I believe in evolution. Go back and try to read the exchange again as a disinterested party.

As I just said, if you try to let go of your own presumptions about what and how other people think and believe, and actually listen to what they tell you, you might find your conversations are more productive and less of a dance.

Evolutionist: I’ve asked what you believe. Several times. And your response was to try and presumptively fight some claim about certainty and knowledge. Just answer the question honestly. If someone asks if evolution is true, that just is the time to say what you believe. No one is asking only if you’re in a state of psychological certainty.

Christian: I have not fought anything. I have simply responded to what you ask. Which question? There seem to be several on the table.

Evolutionist: Is evolution true? I’m not asking if you’re certain. I’m asking what you believe the truest answer to that is?

Christian: You have just asked two different questions. No probs though. Since I have already answered the first I'll answer the second this time. No, I don't hold the belief that evolution is true. (Hint: if you want more details you will need to ask further questions.)

Evolutionist: I’m not asking you what beliefs you DONT hold. What DO you believe?

Christian: You didn't ask that. You asked if I believe in evolution. Can you see how tricky this is now when you have the questions in your head somewhere but you find it difficult to phrase them correctly. Try to let go of the answers you want the other person to say. So you want to know about the beliefs I do hold? OK. That could cover a wide area, any particular context you are interested in?

Evolutionist: NoI didn’t. Read it again.  I asked if evolution is true or not. What do you believe is the truest answer? That’s not asking if you have the belief that evolution is true.

Christian: I guess it is because evolutionists are so wrapped up in their own beliefs that they find it so difficult to ask questions that might relate to other positions. The key is to let the other person tell you about themselves in their terms. If you ask them about labels which you have already decided the meaning of, they may not know what you mean or worse, they may answer based on their own interpretation of those words.Now where were we? What would you like to find out about from me?

Evolutionist: Is evolution true?

Christian: I don't know if it’s true or not.

And so on....

Is the Christian being reasonable and actually answering the question?

This was an almost word for word conversation I had with an atheist. I cleaned up some of the text and removed personal names and such. Besides that, if you replace evolution with God, it’s the identical conversation.

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